

The Forum

Unsere Inspiration

Bei Urban Innovation treibt uns die Vision von intelligenten und nachhaltigen Städten. Im Rahmen des jährlichen Urban Innovation Forums bringen wir Player der Branche zusammen um gemeinsam daran zu arbeiten, die nachhaltige Transformation städtischer Räume zu beschleunigen.

Wir verstehen uns als Inkubator für kreative Ideen, um die Entwicklung und Umsetzung innovativer Lösungen für die Herausforderungen moderner Städte voranzutreiben.


Gestalten Sie mit uns eine bessere und nachhaltigere Zukunft.


What people say about us

Geraldine de Bastion

CEO at Konnektiv Kollektiv GmbH

»I have met a lot of really innovative startups working toward the energy transition and protecting our planet from climate change, as well as some really interesting VC’s offering great insights into how they are collaborating with startups on the newest technologies and how they work on the challenges they face in scaling at the pace we need.«

Dr. Alexandra K. Mikityuk

Co-Founder & CEO at Staex

»The forward-thinking approach is a huge benefit of an event like the UIF. It allows you to step away from your daily routine and operations, giving you the chance to gain new ideas and impulses. Through light conversations, new inspiration and a positive atmosphere, new project ideas emerge.«

Sebastian Schäfer

Senior Innovation Manager Startup Partnerships at E.ON Group Innovation GmbH

»Events like the Urban Innovation Forum provide access to meaningful and long-lasting partnerships and help us to find startups and solutions for our current challenges.«

Tess Dury

Head of ESG at Extantia Capital GmbH

»The matchmaking was excellent, the system was set up very smoothly. Participants had the opportunity to meet about 5 to 10 people. I had great conversations during those short 10-minute sessions, and there is more to explore. I will definitely reach out and reconnect with the people I met.«

Urban Innovation ist initiiert vom Climate Tech Hub e.V. und von der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe gefördert und kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union.