Upcoming Event


May 15 - 17, 2024

Climate Tech Hub at GreenTech Festival

Key Facts


May 15 - 17, 2024


Messe Berlin


At the GreenTech Festival, we are annually at the forefront of inspiring conversations, groundbreaking innovations, and meaningful connections, all aimed at shaping a greener future.

GreenTech Award Ceremony

  • Nicole Hiltl served as a jury member at GreenTech Awards. The ceremony recognized outstanding contributions to green technology, sparking insightful discussions and highlighting groundbreaking innovations.

Climate Tech Hub e.V. Exhibition

  • In partnership with BAE Batterien GmbH, a core member, we proudly represented our network. We welcomed many visitors to our stand in the Energy Hall for engaging conversations.

Deepdive Stage: “The Future of Climate Tech”

  • Led by Sebastian Ulm, Head of Urban Innovation, this session featured startups curated by PHINEO Startups, Hasso Plattner Institute, and Climate Tech Hub e.V. We showcased pioneering work in climate technology, including contributions from network members like EnerKite.
  • A Inverstment Landscape Panel Discussion featured expert insights from Melanie Beyersdorf, Investment Manager at EnBW New Ventures, and Bas Van Den Brande, Country Manager Germany at Carbon Equity.

New Energy Stage: “The transformative Power of Innovation in the Energy-sector”

  • Nicole introduced the Climate Tech Hub on E.ON’s New Energy Stage and spoke about sustainable energy sources and technologies, providing valuable insights into the future of sustainable energy.

E.ON Themehub: “Sustainable Energy-sources and Technologies”

  • Nicole joined a dynamic discussion on sustainable energy sources and technological innovations alongside industry leaders such as Sebastian Oremek (E.ON), Daniela Haldy-Sellmann (SAP), Andree Simon Gerken (PwC), and Martin Chaumet (SPRIND - Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen).

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Melanie's Advice:

  1. Diverse Funding Sources:
    Venture capital is just one option; align funding with your startup's vision. Maintain a clear cap table and prepare meticulously for funding rounds.
  2. Product-Market Fit:
    Focus on solving real market needs and engage in co-creation with early customers to refine your product.
  3. Early Networking:
    Build relationships with key stakeholders early on, understanding their needs to secure support and resources.

Bas's Insights:

  1. Thorough Due Diligence:
    Conduct thorough research on potential funds and tailor your pitch effectively.
  2. Strategic Fundraising:
    Categorize investors into tiers and approach them in a structured manner, starting with lower-tier investors.
  3. Emotional Connection:
    Recognize that investing is emotionally driven; nurture relationships consistently and understand what moves investors on a personal level.

( coming soon )


Participating members

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